HSE Leadership Programs

Accelerate your HSE culture change journey

Example    i     Empower     i     Excel

WHY THIS PROGRAM? HSE is a conviction

Health and safety is a fundamental part of business. It’s the core of the organization and is the shared conviction.

A proactive culture with effective health and safety performance requires model behavior and servant leadership. Executives and senior managers need to examine their own behaviors and mindsets, both individually and collectively. In doing so, they can truly lead by example. To be effective, senior management also needs to develop the insights and competences to empower people with intrinsic motivation toward HSE and set the right conditions for the organization to excel and take the safety and health journey to the next level.

WHAT DOES THIS PROGRAM ENTAIL? From modeling to empowering


Designed specifically for executives and senior management, the goals of our HSE Leadership programs are to:

Program set-up

The HSE Leadership program is a two-day program. We offer two versions, depending on the stage and maturity of your organization’s HSE culture. HSE culture improvement is a continuous effort. As complacency is the biggest enemy on the HSE culture change journey, one effective way to prevent it from blinding our leaders is to keep creating powerful learning moments. Prior to the face-to-face program, clients can opt for the Online Mindset Builder to give a strong and timely start.

HSE Leadership program 1.0

walk the talk

This is our classical HSE Leadership program. In a two-day workshop, the leaders and senior management team members explore through activities and reflections on how effective their leadership style is. What are their blind spots? How are safety and health supported or undermined during the team collaboration? How can personal leadership be exercised in different circumstances, especially under high pressure? We will constantly build bridges between the experience at the workshop and the experience at work.

9-14 people I Intake call I 2-day program I Outtake call I Follow-up services 

GROW program 2.0

empower & excel

GROW is a program designed for organisations having reached the proactive stage and desire to make the next step toward a generative HSEQ culture. Using the simulated learning environment reproducing the reality of performance pressure and the Safety mindset and behavioral challenge, the program aims to Build a collaborative, resilient and learning organisation.  Improve the leadership style that facilitates the coherence between HSEQ goals and business goals. During the program, participants will explore: How are your HSE vision and your business objectives aligned or in conflict in operation?  How do you think your leadership style is impacting the team dynamics? How to empower employees to make well-considered Safety and Health choices when the performance pressure is high?

9-14 people I Intake call I 2-day program I Outtake call I follow-up service

Online HSE Leadership program

We ensure that nobody misses out!

We see it as our mission to ensure that nobody misses out on a safety culture journey! That is why we developed the online HSE Leadership program. The online HSE Leadership program offers all the benefits of our traditional offline HSE Leadership program. It has the same objective but the activities have been carefully selected for online learning. The benefits: 
  • High-quality HSE leadership training for small-scale sites and new team members.
  • Newcomers don’t have to wait to have their training needs met.
  • An affordable alternative for physical sessions (if these sessions cannot be held due to lack of budget or resources).

9-14 people I Intake call I 3 x 2.5-hours online modules I In-between module assignments Outtake call

Get an impression


Excellent program and extremely unique. The training kept me engaged throughout and I felt personal growth over just a few days.
It shook me up to focus on safety again as I'm not involved too much in the day-to-day operation.
Opened my eyes to my possibilities as a leader. No PowerPoint; interactive and fun.
Great job in keeping the whole team interested and engaged. Communication and teamwork were shown in fun ways through all the exercises.
Very interesting, very practical. I learned a lot about me and the team. Thanks for your dynamism.
Above all, it will improve my behavior as a leader in safety and other themes.
Loved the graphical explanations and time for reflections. Exercises were great for creating a mirror.
It allowed me to see safety as a priority and make it important in all that we do.

Give your people a boost to start and the key to influence!

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